Tuesday, February 14, 2023

 CHO Haibun Anthology #18 2023 (Red Moon Press)

Sunday, February 12, 2023

in between the stars the spiraling darkness


barren branch

wish I could call the bird

by its name

Poetry Pea 3:22 January Issue 2023 (Patricia McGuire)



Wednesday, February 1, 2023


By Pravat Kumar Padhy and Neena Singh

autumn years

remembering the poems

in my first collection 

tangerine dusk
our shadows deepen
long night
lighting a candle
one after another 


the screech
of the barn owl
until almost dawn 
gently holding
a red maple leaf 

this thirst 
for belonging

the cuckoo calls repeatedly


Drifting Sands haibun (Guest Ed. Sonam Chokki)
