Selected Haiku (Izabrani haikui)
English Editor: an'ya
The selectors—an'ya (from the American side) and Jasminka Nadaškić-Đorđević (from the Serbian side)—have made their choices of the best haiku of the issue (48 authors from 20 countries sent 281 poems). The favorites and selected haiku are given in no particular order. Congratulations to all the contributors!
USA (13), Croatia (7), UK (3), Canada (2), Serbia (3), Australia (3), Germany (2), New Zealand (2), Romania (2), Japan (1), Belgium (1), Ireland (1), Yemen (1), India (1), Poland (1), Slovenia (1), Brazil (1), Macedonia (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Philippines (1)
Selektori—an'ya (sa američke strane) i Jasminka Nadaškić-Đorđević (sa srpske strane)—su izabrale najbolje haikue broja (48 autora iz 20 zemalja je poslalo 281 pesmu). Kandidati za najbolje haikue i izabrani haikui nisu dati po utvrđenom redosledu. Čestitke svim učesnicima!
SAD (13), Hrvatska (7), VB (3), Kanada (2), Srbija (3), Australija (3), Nemačka (2), Novi Zeland (2), Rumunija (2), Japan (1), Belgija (1), Irska (1), Jemen (1), Indija (1), Poljska (1), Slovenija (1), Brazil (1), Makedonjia (1), Bosna i Hercegovina (1), Filipini (1)
BEST OF ISSUE (First Choice)
Najbolji haiku broja (prvoplasirani)
Steve Addiss, USA (SAD)
tide going out—
the sun pulls swallows
from the ocean
plima se povlači –
sunce izvlači laste
iz okeana
tr. SV
Jasminka and I both agreed on this haiku by Steve Addiss for First Best of Issue. Our reasons perhaps were different for choosing it so we are both doing write-ups to compare. I liked this one because of the fantastic visuals of "the sun" literally pulling swallows right "from the ocean," as well as the juxtaposition of the outgoing tide and the sun. All in all, just a very well-written haiku moment.- an'ya
Yes, this is an image where reality interweaves with illusion, by no means reducing its value but, on the contrary, adding to the quality of this excellent haiku. What in nature is the most beautiful seems to be the simplest, which is just the case with this poem. The sun seems to play with swallows. The moment I'd gladly record with my camera if the opportunity arose.-Jasminka
Jasminka i ja smo se saglasile da prvo mesto pripadne ovom haikuu Stiva Adisa. Možda su nam razlozi bili različiti, pa ćemo obe izneti svoje mišljenje. Meni se ovaj haku dopada zbog fantastične slike "sunca" koje bukvalno izvlači laste "iz okeana", kao i zbog jukstapozicije između plime i sunca. Sve u svemu, veoma dobro zabeležen haiku trenutak.- an'ya
Da, ovo je slika u kojoj se realnost prepliće sa iluzijom, što nikako ne umanjuje vrednost već, naprotiv, daje kvalitet više ovom odličnom haiku stihu. Ono što je u prirodi najlepše, to izgleda najjednostavnije, a ovde ja upravo tako i predstavljeno - sunce kao da se poigrava sa lastama. Trenutak koji bih vrlo rado zabeležila svojom kamerom kad bi mi se ukazala takva prilika.- Jasminka
BEST OF ISSUE (Second Choice)
Najbolji haiku broja (drugoplasirani)
P. K. Padhy, India (Indija)
flight of cranes—
bridging the sea
with the sky
let ždralova –
premošćuje more
i nebo
tr. SV
Again, Jasminka and I both agreed on this haiku for Second Best of Issue. And again, I liked it for the visuals it presents of a whole "flight of cranes" bridging the sea "with the sky" . . . it was a difficult choice between first and second place for these haiku are actually similar, not in subject matter necessarily albeit they are both about the ocean/sea, but in the way they are both very well-written.- an'ya
Only at the first glance it appears that we have selected two "identical" images for First and Second Best of Issue. Although both haiku are really well-written, it could be noticed that this one by P. K. Padhy is about quite different experience, different dynamics. This image is almost static, as if the cranes, with their wings spread wide, are here to only complete the vision of the bridge before the observer's eyes. The experience of the sun as part of the image is missing, the haiku moment does not strictly indicate the time of the day; the order of Best of Issue is completely justified.-Jasminka
I ovog puta smo se Jasminka i ja složile da ovom haiku dodelimo drugo mesto I ovaj haiku mi se dopao zbog vizuelnog doživljaja "leta ždralova" koji premošćuje more "i nebo"... bilo je teško odlučiti se između prvog i drugog mesta jer su ova dva haikua zapravo slična, ne po temi, mada su oba o okeanu/moru, već po načinu na koji su veoma dobro napisana. - an'ya
Samo na prvi pogled izgleda da smo izabrale dve “iste” slike za prvu i drugu nagradu. Iako su oba haiku stiha stvarno dobro napisana, primećuje se da je ovde reč o potpuno drugačijem doživljaju, drugačijoj dinamici. Ova slika je skoro statična, kao da su ždralovi raširenih krila tu samo da upotpune viziju mosta pred očima posmatrača. Doživljaj sunca kao aktera slike je izostao, haiku trenutak ne ukazuje striktno na doba dana, redosled nagrada je potpuno opravdan.- Jasminka
BEST OF ISSUE (Third Choice)
Najbolji haiku broja (trećeplasirani)
Rosa Clement, Brazil
colheita de laranja
o trem que passa leva
um cheiro doce
orange harvest
the passing train loads
a sweet scent
branje narandži
voz u prolazu tovari
sladak miris
tr. SV
And for the third time, we both agreed on this haiku by Rosa Clement from Brazil for Third Best of Issue and it was difficult to not choose it for first or second! since all of these Best of Issue are such well-written moments. First in line 1, we see the orange harvest, then in line two the author allows us to see the passing train, and in line three, we smell the scent being carried away.- an'ya
What would one give to be in such an environment! The haiku has been written in such a way that even to the reader, miles away from the scene, the image is quite familiar, as something he has already experienced and tasted. The harvest locates the image in time, while the train is here "fortunately" in passing to add an additional dimension to the whole image as if it is spreading around the sweet scent of the freshly picked oranges, which anyway spreads through the whole orchard and beyond during the harvest.
I po treći put smo se složile da treće mesto pripadne Rozi Klement iz Brazila a bilo je teško ne izabrati ga za prvo ili drugo! jer su svi ovi najbolji haikui broja tako dobro registrovani trenuci. Najpre u prvom stihu vidimo branje narandži, onda nam u drugom stihu autorka omogućava da vidimo voz u prolazu, a u trećem osećamo miris koji on odnosi. - an'ya
Šta bi čovek dao da se nalazi u ovakvom okruženju! Haiku je napisan na takav način da je i čitaocu, koji je kilometrima daleko, slika koju prenosi potpuno bliska, kao nešto što je lično već video, osetio miris. Berba je označila poziciju slike u vremenu, a voz je tu “srećno” u prolazu da celoj ovoj slici da dimenziju više, kao da raznosi okolo slatki miris upravo ubranih narandži, koji se i inače u doba berbe širi svud po voćnjaku a i šire.- Jasminka
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