Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fire Pearls 2 : Short Masterpieces of Love and Passion Published in Print and Ebook

Fire Pearls 2 : Short Masterpieces of Love and Passion Published in Print and Ebook
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Fire Pearls 2 : Short Masterpieces of Love and Passion, edited by M. Kei, is the sequel to the classic anthology of tanka poetry in English. Showcasing 750 poems by over 90, poets representing seventeen countries on five continents, Fire Pearls 2 is double the size of the original volume. Now available in paperback and Kindle e-book at and other retailers, it is also available wholesale to libraries and other venues.
From the Introduction:
“The poets of Fire Pearls 2 lead us from the delights of first love to the fury of betrayal, the mourning of death to the rage of vengeance. Along the way they yearn, court, marry, divorce, have children, have parents, grow sick, grow old, travel, lust, regret, repent, celebrate, survive, have second chances, get lucky, and die. Their experiences range from the luminescence of love to the violence of rape, and their decisions range from the choice of jewelry to the agony of abortion. Poets of all different races and colors depict all sorts of relationships: romantic, familial, dysfunctional, friendly, clandestine, faithful, adulterous, heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, single, married, divorced, widowed, lonely—even bigamy. The ten chapters of Fire Pearls 2 cover the breadth and depth of the human heart. The reader will find their own loves and hates within these pages.”–M. Kei, Editor
Like its predecessor, the poems of Fire Pearls 2 are arranged into a tanka sequence—the longest published in English. Subdivided into ten chapters based on the seasons, each poem links and leaps to the next, but in keeping with the tanka tradition, dreaming room is provided for the reader to make their own associations. Fire Pearls 2 is an essential acquisition for lovers of fine literature.
The Contributors:
Abigail Greene, Adelaide B. Shaw, Alexander Jankiewicz, Allison Miller, Amelia Fielden, André Surridge, Angie LaPaglia, Anne Benjamin, Aubrie Cox, Autumn Noelle Hall, Barbara A. Taylor, Belinda Broughton, Bob Lucky, Britton Gildersleeve, Bruce D. Reed, Bruce England, Carole Harrison, Charlotte A, Chen-ou Liu, Christina Nguyen, Claire Everett, Clive Oseman, Cynthia Rowe, Darrel Lindsey, David Caruso, David Rice, David Terelinck, Dawn Bruce, Don Miller, Dorothy McLaughlin, Elaine Riddell, Ernesto P. Santiago, Ferris Gilli, Fran Witham, Genie Nakano, gennepher, Geoffrey Winch, Gerry Jacobson, Gregory Longenecker, Ingrid Kunschke, Jade Pandora, James Chessing, Janet Lynn Davis, Janette Hoppe, Jeanne Lupton, Jennifer Thompson, Jenny Fraser, Jenny Ward Angyal, Jim Schneider, Joanne Morcom, Johana West, Joy McCall, Joyce S. Greene, Kala Ramesh, Kath Abela Wilson, Katherine Raine, Kirsten Cliff, LeRoy Gorman, Lorne Henry, M. Kei, m l grace, Magdalena Dale, Margaret Chula, Margaret Dornaus, Margaret Van Every, Marilyn Humbert, Mark Kaplon, Matsukaze, Max Ryan, Michael McClintock, Michele L. Harvey, Mike Montreuil, Nu Quang, Owen Bullock, Pamela A. Babusci, Patricia Prime, Penny Harter, Pravat Kumar Padhy, Ram Krishna Singh, Randy Brooks, Raquel D. Bailey, Roary Williams, Rodney Williams, S. M. Abeles, Sanford Goldstein, Seren Fargo, Sergio Ortiz, Sonam Chhoki, Stacey Dye, Sylvia Forges-Ryan, Tess Driver, Tracy Davidson, Tzetzka Ilieva.
About the Editor:
M. Kei is a tall ship sailor and award-winning poet. He is the editor-in-chief of Take Five : Best Contemporary Tanka, and the editor of Atlas Poetica : A Journal of Poetry of Place in Contemporary Tanka. His second collection, of Slow Motion : The Log of a Chesapeake Bay Skipjack, is Recommend Reading by the Chesapeake Bay Project. He is also the author of a gay Asian-themed science fiction/fantasy novel, Fire Dragon. He can be followed on Twitter @kujakupoet, or visit
Fire Pearls 2 : Short Masterpieces of Love and Passion
Edited and with an Introduction by M. Kei
Published by Keibooks, Perryville, Maryland, USA
284 pp, paperback
ISBN: 978-1489595027 (print)
$18 USD (print) / $9.99 (Kindle e-book) (print) (Kindle)

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