Monday, May 13, 2024


the morning enters

without a knock


Frogpond, 35.3, 2012

Mann Library’s Daily Haiku, February 1, 2021


red carpet--

the monks walk


Gems: An Anthology of Haiku, Senryu and Sedoka, The Bamboo Hut Press, 2014

Mann Library’s Daily Haiku, February 1, 2021


flowing river--

the bereaved girl  holds 

a palm-full of water


Editor’s Choice, Acorn, Issue #33, Fall 2014


thick clouds--

a gap takes me

to the ocean


Modern Haiku, Issue 46.2, 2015


street dog--

an old man shares

his silence


Presence 70, 2021


braided hair--

the breeze shaping

the waterfall


Editor’s Choice, Stardust Haiku, Issue 55, July 2021



how tenderly clouds

hold the rain


Second Place, Indian Kukai, The Haikai India, September 2021


frozen pond

the missing sound 

of skipping stones


tsuri-dōrō, Issue #9 2022 



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